The Beautiful Disruption


Ep. 01

In this episode we discuss why beauty matters, not just for artists and creatives, but why beauty lies at the heart of the Christian life. Discover how beauty factored into God’s creating the world, and how Goodness and Truth relate to beauty. This episode is not theoretical, it is practical, with ways you can seek beauty daily, and how you can tell that it enhances your life.

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Timothy Willard

Timothy Willard is a writer and independent scholar. He studied beauty and northern aesthetics in the works of C.S. Lewis for his Ph.D. under the supervision of Alister McGrath. He has authored four books, including his most recent, The Beauty Chasers: Recapturing the Wonder of the Divine (Zondervan Reflective). He lives in Waxhaw, North Carolina, with his wife Christine, and three daughters, Lyric, Brielle, and Zion. Join Dr. Tim’s newsletter here.


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